My Challenge Blog

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Happy 2019 and Yummy Coffee Cake

Hello Friends and Happy 2019!
Nothing like starting the first morning of the new year with a piece of yummy delish coffee cake on one of your favorite pieces of vintage china.

Woke up this morning and thought to myself, okay...
 it's January 1st, a new year and hmmm....
maybe I could make some improvements in my

 I do have a few things that I would like to improve upon, and today I decided that I would take a few baby steps toward one of my hopeful improvements.  
"Paper work"
I write up my paperwork, but submitting it in a timely manner is another story.
So I've decided that I will try to submit my "paper work" on time.  Thus, saving the sweet ladies that I work with from having to send me the 
"You're out of compliance paper work emails."
I'm sure they don't like sending them, and I surely don't like receiving them :0)

I grabbed my first cup of caramel flavored coffee for the new year and was heading off to submit my "paper work" when I saw this.
There it was...that delish coffee cake that I had made...just sitting there calling my name...and my inner heather haven't done a blog post in forever and this coffee cake sure is pretty and should share it.  
So...submitting my "paper work" was derailed by this delish coffee cake.  It will still be submitted on time, but posting about this coffee cake seemed funner 
(I know funner is not a word, but who cares).

Look at can you not love it :0)
(two layers of yummy pecan sugary goodness)

I could pretend that it was my recipe and share it here, but nothing bugs me more than when people post something or share something on their blogs, Youtube, social media etc, as if they learned it on their own, or came up with it all on their own. I feel people put a lot of time into their work, that they share with when I learn something from someone else, I give them the credit due.

I gave it 5 stars :0)....I'm sure if you try it, you will too.

Now...if I could just get my inner heather to tell me...
"Heather..hop on is WAYYYY FUNNER 
than yummy coffee cake and submitting paper work"  
But Nope...she didn't bite...
I walked past it many times early this am, just to make sure she had the chance to see it...for some reason she says
"submitting paper work is funner"
Needless to say...I put the coffee cake in a room I don't visit as often...didn't need her to see that again :0)

Thank you for visiting!
Happy 2019!