My Challenge Blog

Friday, December 17, 2010

If you are looking for the 
"Heather's Holiday Spirit Contest"  just click the picture 
of Christmas holly at the top of my left column.  I will be do doing a drawing in January...and you could win a RAK from me. I did take a couple more photos of the trees in progress.  The light just doesn't seem to want to cooperate. far I have 7 trees done...I might just be calling it quits...LOL.  My urge for creating...and participating in challenges seems more alluring at the moment.
This is my pink tree which I have in one of the corners of my dining room.  I will be having everyone over for Dinner on by then everything should be clean...and I can get some better  The blue doesn't look all that great in the photos.
This is a 9ft slim tree which I have in the opposite corner of the pink tree (which I think is a 6 foot tree..not sure).  The angels that I have on top of these trees....came from and ebay purchase....I got a ton of pink and red ornies for less than the original price of one of the angels.  They were from Dillards.
This is a small tree sitting on one of my free desks that a friend dropped off...she didn't want it it got a coat of paint...and now it sits happy in the foyer.  Holding all my old PTO stuff.
As my life goes...the lower half of the tree lights don't want to work.  They were all burnt out.  So I had to remove all the I just figured...I will get a shot  I have my favorite "silicone Flame" covers on some of the lights.  They give the tree a great vintage feel.
I think of the tree below as my "Henry Ford Village" tree.  I have 6 blown glass ornies from there on this tree...along with ornies that close friends have made for me...or I have purchased from fellow artists that I love off ebay or etsy.
This is a 9ft tree...that is vintage in that it kind of looks like a bunch of pipe cleaners.  I bought it from a primitive store online.  I love it. Light and have to add lights to it...and I am not an adding lights kind of person (although I did).  

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Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather