My Challenge Blog

Monday, December 13, 2010

Heather's Holiday Spirit Link Up 2010

I have been putting up my Christmas trees...and a thought came to me.  Why not share the spirit with all my Online friends!  I thought I would do something fun and have a Christmas Spirit Contest.
All you have to do is link up a photo of your Christmas tree...leave a comment on this post. 
For leaving a comment on this will get your name entered once.
If you are a follower of my will get your name entered twice.
If you answer this Question...My favorite Christmas ornament is?...and leave your answer in the comments...your name will be entered a third time.
 I will put everyone's entries into a special container...and on Sunday January 9th, I will draw a name...and give you a little RAK.  Not sure what it will be yet...but I will get something Sweet together ...from my stash. can link up all your tree pictures...because you know I LOVE Christmas trees.  
Let the fun begin...Make sure that you link us to the exact post on your blog..or where ever you keep your if we feel like it...we can visit you!
Remember every Christmas tree is beautiful!

*Holiday Hugs*


  1. I am ashamed to say I do not have my tree up yet. This is bad...I know!

  2. Heather not sure how to get the Mr. Linky thing to work...tried..LOL

  3. Greaat fun idea Heather! I will post a pic when the tree goes up. Can I post the tree I would like to have LOL sort of.. I adore your tree of todays post.. hugs right back!

  4. Ok Heather can't get it, so here is my blog...

  5. Hi Heather, great blog! I may have to take a picture of the box with our tree in it!!! Ba Humbug!

  6. Hi Heather! Sandi told me about your blog! What fun!! (My favorite ornament has to be the star). Hope you have a fabulous Christmas!!~Jennifer

  7. Haha, I ended up with two posts, same tree. I guess that's better than the 3 I tried! It seemed to bump me out so I did it again. Oh well! It's the "oops" department at work again. My favorite ornament is one of Mom & Dad's first ornaments they got about 64 yrs ago. It was a beautiful big glass ball with a glittery, winter scene painted on it, in blues, whites and greens. Unfortunately, it was lost in an unfortunate mishap.

  8. Hi Heather! Thanks for visiting my blog. I can't remember if I told you where me and all my snow live...we live in Iowa. Right where Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois meet. We are still getting snow. We got four more inches so far I think. ~Jennifer

  9. So I've posted a picture now of my REAL tree not the one I wanted but thanks for posting that one! Didn't get the whole tree in the pic but not too bad for a technically deficient person:) Of course I am a follower! My favorite ornament - the angel on top which was a gift from my daughter. Happy 5 days to go!

  10. Heather, your blog is really awesome. So much to see.



Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather