My Challenge Blog

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Liebster Love Blog Award

Shona~  One of my
Online Scrapping Peeps
tagged me in the
"Liebster (Love) Blog Award
(hugs Shona)
Shona's Scapbook pages are Gorgeous!
 Wonderful Photography!
You can check Shona's Blog here!

The "Liebster Blog Love Award" is given to bring new 
blogs to light.
It is a great way to share these blogs with others
who normally wouldn't of seen them.
If you have been tagged and want to participate, create a post 
where you post the 'LOVE BLOG' image. Then choose 3 - 5 favorite blogs which you also link in your post.  

So now I can share a few blogs with you too!

Shawn has so much fun with stamping and inking,
and she shares great tutorials!  
I know I could go to her house,
enjoy some fabulous tea,
and yet be covered from head to toe in distress inks.
I am sure I could sit for Hours..
looking at all her stamps and creations
(she would just make me more tea)
She is my Fav "Tea Snob" 
I love that she is a "Loose leaf kind of Gal" 
and that she says
"cool beans"
So check out her is "Fabulously Cool Beans!"

Carol is so much fun!  She is crazy with crochet...making these awesome butterflies (sticky note), and she is ALWAYS
finishing something!
She humors me by allowing me to put 
"Sticky notes" on the items she creates that I want!
How special is that?
Get over to her blog and check it out
(sorry no sticky notes for you, I will share the blog...but not my sticky notes...LOL)

Sandi has the best
 (I mean BESTEST, but that is not a word)
Vintage Images..Post cards, name it!
Her blog is one of those where you need to do 
"Finger Exercises" so you don't get "Finger Failure."
You will be using your fingers and "Right Clicking" 
on images all morning, day or evening long.
Think...."Save as"
What more do I need to say?  If I am "Right Clicking"
and experiencing "Finger Failure..or Fatigue"
then you know her blog is worth looking at!

Today my Blogcast (I just made that word up)
is coming from my DH's computer...hee..hee.
(sorry about the potato chip crumbs in your keyboard)
I forgot my power cord to my laptop...and 
the poor thing is out of juice!
Have a great day!
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Congrats with your award just found you saw your link at Shona´s blog.
    Lovely work you make.

  2. Sorry about the fingers sweetie! Well sort of sorry anyway LOL Now do I get to take the award and do a blogcast for new blogs that I support?

  3. "Liebster?!" I hardly know her!! Just kidding, haha! You are such a doll...and YES, I am a tea snob and proud of wont get a generic lukwarm cup of tea here at my house, sister. Oh, heck no! And you wouldn't be able to leave until you have at least one inky fingertip! Just ask my scrapping friends who've cropped with me. THANK YOU for all your encouragement, warmth and friendship, Heather!

  4. Heather, you are a sweet heart. Everyone who meets you leaves just a little bit better!
    Hugs! Starr

  5. Hehe, I already love all three that you tagged. All three women are amazing artists, much like yourself.


Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather