My Challenge Blog

Monday, July 11, 2011

New GIMP Challenge Blinkie

Hello Friends and Visitors!
Today I thought I would make a fun blinkie to share with all of those who have taken part in my First GIMP Challenge over at
I used some fun images from both
GIMP Badge
So if you completed the first challenge, please send me a message and I will send you the code for this fabulous Gimp Blinkie!!
I do have a time limit over at Bella Creations for individuals to win a little RAK from me...but if you would like to take part in the challenge so you can earn this blinkie...just follow the link below
to get all the directions!!
Heather's GIMP Challenges
I promise using GIMP can be fun and rewarding!  You don't even have to be that computer savvy. 



  1. Super cute Heather, sorry I havent sat down to try and play yet, but I will!

  2. straight from the fridge! lol

  3. I watched all 3 tuts...dont know if I can remember all the xcf/gif/edits! lol

  4. I keep meaning to find out what you mean when you say GIMP. Guess I should read the tut...haha

  5. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Hi...thank you for the tutorial, you have a lot of great tutorials on youtube.
    Have a great day!

  6. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Hi Heather, just stoppin' by to say hi and see how you're doing.

    Have a great day!


Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather