My Challenge Blog

Friday, March 02, 2012

Letters from the shore Blog Background

Hello Friends and happy Friday!!
I am so excited because I had someone contact me last week that was interested in one of the blog backgrounds that I created.
It was my first blog background that I had created for myself, almost a year ago.  I started out with a Rose background from the Graphic fairy...and got rid of everything but the roses.  Then I used some flowers..and leaves from some other Graphic Fairy images.
(see this snippet of it below)
I received a wonderful email from 
You always feel good...when someone else enjoys something that you have created :0)  Gives you those warm cozy feelings.
Right away when I went to Kim's blog, I noticed she shares a love for Kitties!!  I thought it would be fun to add some kitties to her blog.  So I asked her to find some images that she would like to have incorporated into the background above and her new blog header.  She sent me the most adorable images!!
I will share the ones that I used below.
I used this trio in her blog header :0)  They are too sweet!
This one I used for the sides of her blog.
I used this one her blog header.
four kittens.jpg
I used GIMP to make the changes I needed to the images to use them on her blog.
I would LOVE it...if you would hop over to her blog and  take a peek at her new blog background.  I had so much fun creating it!
"Letters from the shore"
You can see it all on her blog :0)  just click above

She will have a new post up about her background a little later today!
I hope you have a great day!!
Thank you for visiting!! 
<3 Heather

1 comment:

Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather