My Challenge Blog

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Spring Fever & Great Antique Finds

Hello Peeps!!
I know....I know...I have been soooo bad...not doing a post in over a week on my blog!!  Too busy enjoying SPRING life!!  It seems each Sunday for the past couple weeks have been full of family call it fun :0)
Let me see....try and make my story short.
It starts every year when the sun finally starts to shine and things warm up in Michigan.  I want to change things up here at the Hudson House.  
So you saw the beginning of my first chalk paint adventure
Still not quite finished....because I decided to start on this...A card catalog that has been sitting in my basement for years.  OMG...I had to take off all of the hardware....25 little drawers.  Of course only ONE would NOT come  At least I got some exercise carrying all of that upstairs and out to the yard (in pieces of course).
Painted it black
Next comes blue.
Then some sanding...and you really don't see much of the black, but when it gets nicked will see more :0)  I have sanded the rest of it...just don't have a photo yet...because it started to rain..and I had to move all the pieces into the garage :0)
So now it will sit till I decide what I am going to do next....which was going to the antique mall with the hubby and picking up this....
Starting the Last Sunday in March, we have had either a family birthday or Easter....or I have bought something that required picking up....kind of like this piece below.  I will admit I am a Craigslist & Ebay
That would be my super fab honey in the back of my super fab friend Kenny's Truck.The three of us went to high school together...
Of course I am giving them isn't going to fall out is it??  LOL..they are so tolerable of me :0) Here is a fun
They brought the piece into my living room, which I refer to as the "Red Room."  You can just see the edge of the white cabinets behind this new piece....and those cabinets came from my parents..but were very dark brownish...back in the day...and I only mention them because...
I hooked up Kenny with my best girl friend Ginny and they had their first photo together in front of those cabinets :0).....
Well..before things get clean...they become a bigger mess here.  I decided to try the piece in a different room (I put felt feet on the bottom, so I can slide it around where ever I want  But it ended back up in the Red room.  So I took everything (too much junk) out of all the cabinets and moved them...and so I have piles on the floor every where ......waiting to be put away.
 I did buy this piece below on the same day..but my two men and a truck waited to pick it up the next week.  Also from Craigslist...
This piece belonged to a very nice lady...and it was her grandmothers...and she had promised to keep it...and I told her that her Grandmother would be very happy with me having it...I would cherish it she gave me a super deal...$50...and I LOVE it...I go from French Provincial to Primitive when it comes to decor!!  I got everything in my Dining room from Craigslist..and it is similar to this style....So first on my list is to remove the gold mirror contact paper from this piece.  Here it is in my far 1 hr and 30 min spent removing the hands I had to take a break...
The plan for my to have a shabby/vintage chic theme.  With roses all over of course :0).  
So...I kind of decided that since it was time to get a new car...I would just get my OWN I could give Kenny a break from having to borrow his....because I will need to get dirt, mulch and who knows I had to order the one that I that will be a post later.  Then last night I checked Ebay...and 
uh oh....there was a beautiful oak farm table...and I currently have one...which is 8.5 feet long...and a beautiful dark wood....but I have wanted a more primitive looking one for a while.  So when I saw this...I had to make an offer.  Luckily it was accepted and my honey and youngest went to pick it up!
Son #2 loved the chairs....because they are comfy..and easy to lift was carrying them around the yard like this...silly boy!!  This time I had to borrow my Dad's Truck...because he has an 8ft bed...and Kenny is off canoeing with the Scouts (son #1 is part of that...son #2 is celebrating a bday..and didn't want to
I was sooo excited to see it!!
I think my hubby was UP with the
Teaching son #2 proper body mechanics for lifting...which we are still working he can help me when I get my own  Son #1 has already had the
Look at those beautiful planks of oak!!  Gorgeous!!
Lucky for me Tish and I worked out a deal I was happy with and she knew her table was going to a place where it would be loved...and she has some extra money for her neice's wedding.  Personally if I lived in a nice warm state..I would set this up looks sooo beautiful out in the side yard!  
I should be able to get 14 peeps around this beauty!!
I LOVE it!!
Needless to say...I have enough things to play with for a I will be doing some gardening...and redecorating in the house :0)
So...if you were wondering what I have been up you know :0)
Oh...but tomorrow I will be back to share my last 
Really Reasonable Ribbon post.  I have sooo enjoyed being on Bonnie's Design Team.....and she is being super sweet to let me take some time off...for the summer :0).  I will have a couple RRR posts...filling in when Bonnie has extra days.
If it were up to me...I would have a table/dresser and chairs in every room of the  I am crazy like that :0)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful table and chairs, love the paint job on the dresser too. Looks like you have been busy, lol. ~Diane


Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather