My Challenge Blog

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

September is Here

Hello Peeps!!
I hope you have all enjoyed your summer!  I took a break from crafting only to hang out with my kiddos on Boy Scout Campouts and assisting with the Boy's Tennis teams (I LOVE to watch the boys practice, take them treats.  I love that the boys all know if they need a ride home they can ask).  My boys are at the age (teenagers) where they are fun to be I have been spending all of my time with them. 
School started for the kiddos today!
(Youngest to the left and oldest in the Middle..and a neighbor to the right).  It was super dark this am.
Both of my boys are playing Tennis.  My oldest will be playing on Varsity this year and my youngest on JV.  My youngest has his first Tennis Match this evening!!  I am so excited!
(I am praying he can keep the ball on the court...or in the fenced in
We went to Mackinac Island with the Scouts a couple weekends ago.
(this was the third no
They let me pull the trailer!!  Woo hoo!!  Of course us adults pull a couple fun harmless pranks :0)  I had some partners in crime...but we parked my truck right up close to the entrance to the Scout Master's tent :0)  He is such a great guy :0)  I did it while he was at the beach area with some of the boys and it was super dark, so this was the morning after :0)
I have had so much fun with the Scouts this summer!  Here are two of my Volunteer Peeps with me.
We would stay up pretty late and sit around the campfire...and laugh so hard...I thought I might pee my  We used an app to look up our "Hippie names"...I was Blossom, my two partners in crime were both Breeze...LOL.  So the middle one is Breeze and the one to the right is Breezy :0) 
Here are some photos from a Camp out in July. 
Kenny and I cooking the Tofu Scamble :0  Kenny is my bestest friend Ginny's hubby :0)  My youngest is in the back pancakes :0)
Here is Despina one of my bestie friends...pretending to cook Tofu Sramble :0)  All the Old Goats and Parents decided to be Vegan this campout!  
Here is Despina's son with my youngest...relaxing!
My oldest hanging out in a tree :0) (on the right).
We were super lucky that My Grandparents came for a visit!  The boys got to spend some quality time with their Great Grandparents!

On another note...I will be getting back into crafting soon!
I have decided to play along with Claudine's altered playing card challenge!!  
Of course I Decided this last night around 11pm...stayed up till 2am to get all 52 of my cards prepped with gesso!  I guess some things never change...I will always be a last minute artist!
Thank you for visiting!!
I would love to know how you spent your summer!!


  1. Hey girlie! Nice to see you back! I, too, took a break from blogging and papercrafts and played with something else that I hadn't played with in two years. Come visit me and see! Love all your pictures and the tales of your adventures! Happy fall!

  2. nice to see some photos of you and the fam.


Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather