My Challenge Blog

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Christmas Advent Countdown Calendar & Collage Sheets Video

Hello Friends!!
Just a quick video showing you some of the new 

You may be wondering why I haven't made any tags or cards using my sheets...
and that is because I am forcing myself to use up things that have been setting around my house for greater than 16
Here is the start of one of the 
Christmas Advent Calendars that I am painting and will be listing
either on Ebay or in my Etsy Shop.
They have been basecoated a lovely vintage white color.
Below I have started to paint the numbers on those tiny stinking  I have decided to go with Gold...and this one will have some Shabby Pink Roses on it.
Stayed tuned for updates on my to be productive..and use up my stash.
Here is one that I did in the past...and sold...on ebay...for $220...

Thank you for Visiting!!


  1. More little drawers??? lol Can't wait to see this piece finished! The finished one from the past is gorgeous! :o)

  2. WOW!! That is beautiful!


Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather