My Challenge Blog

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Peppermint Sticks Collage Sheets

Hello Friends!
It has been a very busy after Thanksgiving and first week of December for me :0)
I worked my 40 hours, paid a friend to help me clean my house for my Annual Boy Scout Leader Party on Saturday (I invite all the other ASM's that go on the campouts with me and their spouses). 
I am not sure if I mentioned it or not, but I decided to put my hat in the ring to go to the Boy Scout World Jamboree as a leader.  I had to drive an hour away to Lansing, on Saturday for my interview.
There will be 4-5 troops needing a total of 20 leaders (5 of the slots I believe are already taken by people on the Committee...that were doing the interviews).  I felt pretty good about my interview.  If I get chosen I will be a 1st Assistant just like for National Jamboree, but this time Scouts from all over the World will be attending.
It will be awesome!
Sunday I went to Church, and Monday I didn't do much of  I think I was in recoop mode.  I did do a couple sheets...but not a lot.
I have some

It seems my Mojo to create things is on Vacation...I hate it when it does that...doesn't give me a week's notice...ugh...
Today...I believe I will begin to try and clean my super messy Basement where I do my creating!
Maybe tomorrow I will share with you some photos of my over the top messy basement :0)  Then you will understand why I don't seem to get much creating can find any of my stuff in this mess??  

Hope you have a Great day!
Thank you for visiting!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather! Glad you are back! You have been a very busy girl. Good luck getting the leader job-how exciting!!
    Love the candy sticks! The licorice will be great for Halloween, the shabby chic for Spring fun as well as Christmas. I'm a traditional Christmas colors girl and LOVE the red peppermint sticks!
    Hope you can get your room in order shortly as I understand...mine is complete chaos mess right now. Hard to have fun when you can't find things. And I'm wishing you get the creative bug back soon!


Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather