My Challenge Blog

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sylish Blogger Award

**Thanks for voting at my BF's Blog...Yay!** 

One of my Fellow Bella Beauties Julie awarded me with the
"Stylish blogger Award" on March 15th.  I had decided at that time that I wanted to create a new blog back I wanted to wait to post this award until I had my new blog background in use.
So Super Thank you and Hugs Julie!  You are so Sweet!
Now, I am supposed to tell you 7 things about myself that you may not already know.
Here are my 7 things
  1. After I passed my Nclex exam for Nursing, I was not sure that I wanted to work as a RN.  So I worked with this guy restoring houses in Historic Depot town.  The pay stunk, and the work was hard..but I learned some fun stuff.    I scraped paint off houses while bee's buzzed around my head and I was up 2 or 3 floors on a of heights...not so much now.  Did you is super easy going up the ladder and getting up on a roof.  Coming down...FREAKY!
  2. My basement is like a crafter's warehouse.  Those who know me...kid about shopping in my basement.  Sadly...they could.
  3. I tiled all the bathrooms (floors, showers, tub surrounds) in my house.  I used 4 inch tiles.  Plain I could change the decor...and it should be okay with the tile.  I did beige in the Master bath.  I didn't want to pay to have it done...because it seemed similar to quilting.  Cleaning the  extra grout after grouting...I was not so good at...LOL.  Not a job I would want...hard labor!
  4. My favorite drink is DIET CHERRY PEPSI.  I always have my own two liter with me. Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper..will do..if no DCP.
  5. I am trying to stick to a budget.  I have been "Spend Free" (on stuff for myself) for 1 week.  WOOT! WOOT!  Although I did just pay my Swirlydoos April kit...but that shouldn't count right?
  6. I have recently been watching Clean House.  I am trying to get rid of things...and get my house organized.  You girls would "Gasp" at the area I work in. That is how I work out you know..climbing over piles of paper...LOL.
  7. Recently I started going to church again.  Honestly it makes me a Better person (to be around) Puts everything into perspective and reminds me of what really is important (who cares if people like your stuff)  I just need to find a "Refresh" button, because by Thursday...I need someone to remind me.  I am thinking of creating a journal to take notes ...and then re-read them.
There are 7 things you might not of known, or didn't want to know, and now you do.  Now I just need to nominate some blogs that I have newly come across to share with you ( you know I got all kinds of peeps that I love to follow...and you should check them all out too).

1.  Anna Marie  She does beautiful layouts of her children!  Great Photos!  So check out her blog!  
2.  ShoreGirl  We have lots in common!  She love to find items that need some love...and makes them beautiful!  One of my Fav things to check her out!  
3.  Best Friend Ginny  Ginny opened a Scrapbook store and has a business blog.  You can find inspiration there!  I don't expect her to put the award on her blog...or links...because it is a business blog...but still wanted you girls to check it out!
4.  Maggi's Blog  Maggi does beautiful work!  We play in many of the same sandboxes...LOL.  So check her out!

That is all I am going to list today...I will post the rest tomorrow.  I got too many "Too dos do"
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Thanks for the blog love BF Heather!!!! 1 more thing you didn't know about heather....she is a gummi bear snob!!! Only the imported German gummis for her! LOL Just know I love ya!

  2. LOL...But it is true about the gummi bears. It all started when I was in high school...and I would get them from the concession stand during my basketball games. :-)

  3. Congrats on your award, Heather! It was fun reading these little bits about you. :)

  4. congrats--always fun to get an award!

  5. How sweet of you to give me this award! Thank you so much! AND thank you for the sweet comment on my blog post about cardboard buttons!


Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather