My Challenge Blog

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Heather's Sticky Note

This evening I had a little fun playing around with some of my favorite images from the Graphics Fairy!  I created the
"Heather A. Hudson Sticky Note."
(a little farther
You may be wondering....a sticky note?  Well...I am a funny kind of gal...and started this "Sticky Note" thing with one of my best online Peeps....Carol S. over at Bella Creations.
I love LOVE all of my friends' creations!  Sometimes...their creations call out to me....and the Silly little fairy inside of me comes out!  What can I say?  The Fairy made me do it!
She has this sticky note that she just has to leave on my friend's pages....when she knows there is something that if I were 3 and in a store and saw....I would have a FIT for it. it is....LOL (I saved it as a "Gif" file so it has the transparent background).
So if you happen to find this on one of your beautiful creations...just know I must REALLY LOVE it (I would love to have  My girls all know my since of humor...that is just who I am.
As far as I am is better than any award I have seen!
It is just a way of honoring my cyber friends with some love!
Think of it as a "Blog Award" it pertains to your beautiful projects!  So...I guess I better go visit Carol...and give her my new and improved STICKY NOTE!
Thanks for visiting!

Once I get SAVVY enough...I may just create a page...and put all my sticky noted items on it!  So check back soon!


  1. You are such a riot!! THANKS for the sticky note, Heather!!! I think it is a fabulous idea!! You are always coming up with fun stuff~~

  2. LOL! How very cute and such a creative idea! Love it!
    Visiting from the Graphics Fairy. TFS!

  3. That's funny. Can I blame all my misadventures on your silly fairy too? Mostly the ones that involve large purchases at the craft store. HEATHER'S SILLY FAIRY made me do it!

  4. Anonymous3:34 PM

    What a great idea! visiting from Graphics Fairy!

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! LOL Thanks for my sticky note!

  6. That's such a cool idea!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks for my sticky note, Sweetie, and all the LOVELY things you said about my card! :)


Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather