My Challenge Blog

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

My new Groups at Bella Creations

Welcome friends!  I am so is a new month..and only a couple days until Bella's has it's first blog hop!

I thought it might be go ahead and start my groups now.  So if you would like to hop on over to Bella Creations today...
and sign up today...that is A OKAY with me.  :-)
My first group 
Début des Techniques Graphiques
which in English means:  Beginning Graphic Techniques.
I created the image below...with some Graphic Fairy images that I altered.  So if you would like to know how to do this...just join my group at 
 This is a group where I will share what I know about GIMP.  So you can create images to add to your works of art...or blog.  This will be a beginner you don't have to know :-)

You will notice that both of my images come from 

The second group I have started is....


A friendly place where we can share what we know about blogging, and help those who would like to have a blog.  So even if you are technically won't be anymore!  I started my blog this October?  It has been a learning process!  I love to share!
So please come and join us at Bella's...there are many fun groups...with many talented artists!
Don't forget to come to the blog hop! 
Each DT Member has a prize or two to give away! 
There is a big prize too!

Have a great day! 



  1. You groups are gonna be fun fun fun cant wait to learn some more. Now get off your bootie and TWEAK my blog back ground would yah! LOL :) JK

  2. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO excited to play!!!!

  3. great group additions to BC! <3

  4. I will go over and join them both!
    Heres a link were you can take a free mini tut on photoshop...Ive taken it.thought you might be interested.
    Thanks for your blogger love on my "pout" today. I appreciate it...see ya at Bellas.

  5. Hi,Heather...I saw your work at The Graphics Fairy blogspot and I'm blown away. I'm so happy I found your blog. I'm excited about joining your groups, and I've just constructed a blog and I've got a few tweaks to give it. Some people are asking for a link to my blog and I don't know how to make one! So I'm heading over to your groups tonight.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA


Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather