My Challenge Blog

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Altered Coffin Gift by Tee & Halloween Tag by Carol

Hello Friends!!
Happy Saturday!!
When I first started blogging, it was mainly just a place to post pictures of things I had made, and hope that someone would see
Over the years, I have made lots of wonderful 
Online Friends!!
The kind of friends that you wish you had living next door or close by.  
My Hubby knows that if I were to win the Lottery, I would build a neighborhood and have all my online friends come and live by me...wouldn't that be super cool!!

I just love that I can count on my Online
Friends to visit my blog posts 
and Cheer me on in my artwork!

I just love LOVE love it when others share their 
ARTWORK with me!!

I have been lucky enough to receive many wonderful things over the years..and today I wanted to take a minute to share 
 things with you!!

Altered Coffin
Tee from sent me this 
SpOokTaCulAr Altered Coffin for playing along in her
What a Witchy Woman!!
 I would let her borrow my broomstick anytime!
Check out all the little treats on this coffin!
Tee is a Witch after my own heart!  She likes to decorate the backs of her items too!!
Spooky Beans!!  I LOVE it!
I just love all the colors!!  That Purple Glittery Ribbon makes the tips of my Witchy Boots Curl!!  My kitties even love it...but I insist they can't have it.
She even filled it with more TREATS!!  The best kind...those that don't make your legs look fat in your horizontal green striped Witches' stockings!!
So creepy fun!!
I just love the little skeleton feet peeking out!!
What a Super SpoOktAcUlar Treat!!

So...why don't you head on over to  
Tee's blog....and check her can play along in her

Thank you Tee!!

Next there is my BOLB (Best on line Buddie)
Carol really cheers me on in all my endeavors!
When I started doing videos teaching others how to use GIMP, she always watched, and would leave comments!  Nothing makes me feel better than when I have taught someone something new, and they are so excited!! 
Carol has thanked me in so many ways!
Makes my heart smile!  
When ever I create collage sheets, she is always the first to tell me how awesome they are!  Not only that, she is my Queen of advertising...and I don't even have to ask...she sends me post via her Owl Scrappy that she has something awesome brewing!!

Let me show you what I mean.

Using the free Collage sheet that I offered to followers during 
Tee's Halloween Blog hop!
How cool...she even used GLITTER!!  You know I am always covered from the tip of my hat to the tips of my boots in GLITTER...I even use my BROOM to sweep it up!
Here is a peek at the inside!!  I just love that she took the extra step to do the inside too!!  I am a bit bad about that with cards...but I am working on it!

How SPOOKY SWEET is this??
I SCREECHED so loud with Excitement when I saw this tag...and went straight to my Witch's Spell book to find my
I got it in the works....I will let you know how it goes..*Cackles*
(my conjour spell is similar to my sticky note).
When I saw this tag....I was like...
I WANT TO Conjour ONE!!  I gotta get that collage sheet!!
Oh...yeah...I must of had too much Witch's brew....that is my collage sheet...but how Witchen..that I gotta have it!
She even has some LEAVES on it...and we know this Witch is always adding Leaves and Glitter to her concoctions!!

So check out Carol's post so you can see her close ups...and she will even tell you where to get my free Halloween Collage sheet!
Thank You Carol!!
Before I forget, if you use one of my collage sheets to create something wonderful, please send me an email or leave me a comment on my blog so I can check it out!!

Thank you for Visiting!!


  1. Love the coffin! Beautiful!

  2. silly girl! I know where you can get your hands on that collage sheet!
    Glad you like what I did! Thanks for the link to my blog!

    That coffin that Tee made is definitely spooktacular! Love it!
    BOLB Hugs!

  3. Love the spooky stuff. It is all so wonderful.

  4. Hi Heather! Thank you for the wonderful blog post!It made my day! (smiles).
    I love your collage sheet, (the netting over the moon is a really cool look,love that!) and Carol created a beautiful tag with it! Happy Creating! Hugs,Tee


Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather