My Challenge Blog

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New Challenge Blog and #9 My Artistic Adventures Challenge: Halloween

Hello Friends!!
I hope you are having a fabby day!
I am super excited to share with you that it is time for our
Our theme this time is
I have some more exciting news...yesterday I decided that I needed to create a blog specifically for my challenges :0) 

You will find the badge above on my challenge blog as well as the html/javascript code so that you can share it on your blogs...I so appreciate it when my peeps share info about my challenges :0)
Here is my newest Halloween Digital Collage sheet.
So hop on over to my new challenge blog to see what the Design Team and Guest Designers came up with last minute as inspiration for my challenge!
Yesterday I was thinking...OMGOODNESS...tomorrow is the 16th..I should get my challenges going again..I did say we would start up in  So I sent out a note..and got some takers...
I just love them all!  It is good to know that I am not the only peep that does things last minute :0)
I can't wait to see what you link up to the challenge!

Here are a few other Halloween digital collage sheets that I have available in my Etsy.

I hope that you can find some time to play along!!


Thanks for Visiting my blog today! Hope you found some inspiration...Have a great day! Hugs....Heather